Measurement Unit : candle [Germany]

Candle [Germany] is a measurement unit for luminous intensity. Its Symbol is and alternate name for this unit is Not Available. It is not the default SI Unit of luminous intensity category.

To convert candle [Germany] to candela (SI Unit) following formula will be used:

Candela = 1/1.1 candle [Germany]

SI Unit for luminous intensity is candela and scale factor of this measurement unit is 1.1. There are total 22 unit conversions for luminous intensity measurement.

Other higher and lower units of Candle [Germany] are candle [Germany]

To find out conversion of candela to other units, check this table

  • Unit Name : candle [Germany]
  • Symbol :
  • Plural Form : candles
  • Alternate Spelling :
  • Unit Type : luminous intensity
  • Scale Factor : 1.1
  • SI Unit : candela

    1 candela = 0.90909090909091 candle [Germany]
  • UNIT Conversion :

    Convert candle [Germany] : to Go

Candle [Germany] Conversion Table:

Below is the table for conversion of Candle [Germany] to other Luminous intensity Units

candle [Germany] Other Units Converter
1 candle [Germany] 1.0907288051562 bougie decimal Candle [Germany] to Bougie Decimal
1 candle [Germany] 1.1 candela Candle [Germany] to Candela
1 candle [Germany] 1.0794896957802 candle [international] Candle [Germany] to Candle [international]
1 candle [Germany] 1.1 candle [new] Candle [Germany] to Candle [new]
1 candle [Germany] 1.1 candlepower Candle [Germany] to Candlepower
1 candle [Germany] 1.1213047910296 candlepower [old] Candle [Germany] to Candlepower [old]
1 candle [Germany] 0.11224489795918 carcel unit Candle [Germany] to Carcel Unit
1 candle [Germany] 1.078431372549 decimal candle Candle [Germany] to Decimal Candle
1 candle [Germany] 1.1E-9 gigacandela Candle [Germany] to Gigacandela
1 candle [Germany] 1.195652173913 Hefner unit Candle [Germany] to Hefner Unit
1 candle [Germany] 0.0011 kilocandela Candle [Germany] to Kilocandela
1 candle [Germany] 1.1 lumen/steradian Candle [Germany] to Lumen/steradian
1 candle [Germany] 1.1E-6 megacandela Candle [Germany] to Megacandela
1 candle [Germany] 1100000 microcandela Candle [Germany] to Microcandela
1 candle [Germany] 1100 millicandela Candle [Germany] to Millicandela
1 candle [Germany] 1100000000 nanocandela Candle [Germany] to Nanocandela
1 candle [Germany] 0.11 pentane candle Candle [Germany] to Pentane Candle
1 candle [Germany] 1.1E-15 petacandela Candle [Germany] to Petacandela
1 candle [Germany] 1100000000000 picocandela Candle [Germany] to Picocandela
1 candle [Germany] 1.1E-12 teracandela Candle [Germany] to Teracandela
1 candle [Germany] 0.054536440257809 violle Candle [Germany] to Violle